Tentang FARA

About FARA

Hello word !, welcome to FARA.
Founded in  January 17, 2011, FARA was my fashion hijab blog and it also a brand of Muslimah clothing line.
Fashion has become a self expression of creativity, and there is no obstacle for muslim women to express herself through fashion. But we must remember about the rules that Allah has set about the hijab or head scarf itself, such as the hijab or head scarf to elongate the chest, cover the legs, and use the long arm correctly. That’s the purpose of FARA, to share inspiration and benefit to all muslim women to express their hijab style, and this brand for Your Fashion Satisfaction.
Blog ini sebagai sarana publikasi, pemesan bisa dilakukan dengan melihat page “how to order”. Semoga semakin memudahkan dalam berbelanja dan memilih pakaian sesuai keinganmu.
best regards